Friday 12 February 2016

Our Week

Hi guys,

My week has been a standard mummy week!!!! Ill 5 year old and huffy teenagers. The joys of parenthood!!

I had so many plans for this week from crafting to cooking, from walks to playing in the park. I thought I could share these things on my blog, but low and behold sickness took over!
So my week went a bit like this.......


Ava (my 5 year old daughter) wakes up and says " Mummy when i cough it hurts in my back, its real sore, Please phone the doctor mummy" And so my week begins, my original plan for today was to start preparing billy's (my nephew)room to redecorate for his birthday on Saturday. instead mummy cuddles and my little pony were as productive as my day got until the doctor appointment (She was fine, probably pulled a muscle while coughing) for some reason this day exhausted me so an early night for all was had.


Ava wakes up, "Mummy i feel dizzy and my tummy hurts, i think i'm going to be..... " and she was! sick all up my wall!!!! so Tuesday went along the same lines of Monday, i don't think you want all the gory details. all I will say is by 8 PM She felt fine and decided she wasn't tired and didn't want to go to bed as she had slept during the day this carried on until 10 PM!!


Finally my baby was feeling better, but as she had been sick the previous day it meant another day off school, so i decided to make the most of having a little time with just Ava. Ava wanted to go and meet daddy and have lunch with him at work, which we did, not the best lunch I've ever had but it filled a hole, we then went to a local park and had an hour of fun (really i was hoping to tire her out as Ava doesn't really like to sleep, she never has)
We had a wonderful afternoon. I even managed to cook a home made spag bol at night, we had been naughty and had a takeaway the previous nights due to Ava being ill.

Ava and Mummy Time


The part of Scotland we live in started half term break today, (secretly i have been dreading half term, two teenagers bored all day) I have to admit my fears were alleviated. Aimee (12 year old daughter) made plans with her friend, which meant i had 3 teenagers in the house, they hung out here most of the day and had a giggle with makeup.Billy is currently grounded and banned from most technology, so he spent today in his bedroom watching TV very huffily. As we had a lovely dry sunny day Ava spent most of today in the garden playing in her playhouse, all in all a really good day. in the evening i managed to sneak out for dinner with my mum and dad while hubby Kenny took care of the kids. I am so lucky.
My crazy Aimee trying a new hair style


Today an be summed up with one word HOUSEWORK!!!! 

I hope you have enjoyed reading about our week,next week will be more exciting i promise!!! 

Speak soon

p.s as a new blogger i am finding a few thing tricky like attaching badges etc to my blog, Any advice is most welcome thanks again.

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